Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Today was the 12th day in a row that my sinuses have been chock full of snot and other nasty stuff. The pressure is not as bad as it was. Well, in some ways its not. Instead of feeling like there is a volleyball stuff behind my face it just feels as though there is a large marble resting under the skin against my cheek bone. Bleh! I have proably used 400 tissues and could have raised the titanic with all the blubber like mucous that has made its way out my nose. I know this is all very enjoyable to read, especially to all you readers eating lemon pudding. Or butterscotch. And the last few days, your pudding has had cherry stripes in it. Sometimes just straight up cherry. MMMMMM. Hopefully soon the pressure will abate, the flow of nasal excrement will come to an end and all will be well again. Lets hope its soon.


Naomi said...

sorry you feel bad, very silly not to go to the doctor and get the proper medication to treat your infection.

Naomi said...

oops im signed in as the woman, this is zac

Matthew said...

Haha, the only thing that would have given you away was the lack of emoticons. Otherwise I wouldn't have guessed it. I am feeling much better now. Yesterday was the first day in two weeks my head didn't hurt. I'm surprised I didn't get more commments about my disgusting compariison of bloody snot to various flavors of pudding.

RavenM said...
