Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Joy, The Spark, The Creativity

If you were to ask nearly anyone who knows me, you would find that for the most part I'm an enjoyable person to be around. I am talkative, but I am also a good listener. I have a lot of positive things to say and I am very encouraging. I am really good at having fun and generally I make it easy for others to have fun as well. I remember being described once, when I worked in the plywood mill (which is the most boring mundane awful place to work[except for some of the people]) as being "frustratingly positive". Lately though, when I begin to write, I just feel down. My chest feels heavy, my brain hurts and the creativity that normally jumps right out of me lies dormant. I can only think of crappy things to write about. My spark is gone. I recently had a vision that was the most depressing thing I've ever seen. I was good motivation, for a normal time (is there such a thing?) however receiving it now just makes me sad. Starting this blog I envisioned encouraging and humorous stories and anecdotes would be clogging the pages, but it hasn't been so. So for my sister and anyone else who happens to stumble upon my blog, forgive me. Maybe eventually I will find my way to the surface of this dark water and be able to see again.


RavenM said...

You're workin through a lot of stuff right now. Life's not going quite as planned. Make sure you hang out with positive people, and those who will encourage your dreams(however impossible they seem at the moment), and abilities and who will spur you on in your faith. God designed us to be in community, with Him and with others. Love ya:)

RavenM said...

Ok, so about a week after you gave me the hint about what SotC stands for the meaning exploded into my brain during a ramdom moment. Yeah.

Matthew said...

Nice. I like it. Its a bit mysterious and deep. It seems simple, but it means a lot to me. I have always been proud of it.