Thursday, October 9, 2008

Me Coche

Blue Faded Peeling Chipping
Rust Primer Chrome Trim
Dented Scratched Creaking Groaning

What is dependency?
Come and lend me your ear
I'll tell you 'bout a car
That to my heart is dear

You'll never find another
So dependable and true
What were you thinking?
Messing with paint that's blue

Well blue, and white, and rust
And some colors I can't describe
I think when GM is designing
On spirits they must imbibe

Paint based on water?
What the crap is that?
That is the worst idea ever
And that my friend, is a fact

But at least I know I can count on the engine
To stall at every stop in town
It sputters and it coughs
Though the gas pedal, I push down

But hey, at least it runs
And it's clean on the inside too
I inspect the ceiling every day
because it hangs down and obscures my view

So while I'm driving
Trying to keep the engine running
Holding up the roof carpet with my head
I'm exercising my cunning

For it takes a lot of brain power
To operate my car
But once I get going
You can bet I'll go far

I sit back, relax
Listen to my music
Too bad every time I hit a bump
It fuzzes and I lose it

No worries though
It always clears up
Just like teenage acne
And a foggy glass beer cup

But even with all its quirks
My car is still great
It even drives itself
Though I think its from another state

It always wants to go faster
It gets bored at sixty-five
When the cruise control is on
The accelerator comes alive

All in all
Its not so bad
It gets me where I'm going
Even though it makes me MAD

I thank God for it every day
Theres not a rig I like better
'Cause fancy and new is boring
Anyday I'll take a car with character

1 comment:

shedhorn said...
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