Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Shack

Okay so I just finished reading "The Shack". It is hard to find the words to communicate what I felt reading it. For starters, I have never cried over a book or movie and I have read lots and lots of books. I cried twice reading this book. If you will read my rant below, it is like "The Shack" but only in the sense of comparing a welders mask to somebody seeing for the first time in their 99 years of life. Its amazing. Read it. Its worth the time, effort and money. Please, just give it a chance.


Naomi said...

all i can say is i LOVE,LOVE that book!:)

Matthew said...

What was your favorite part?

junglemama said...

Thank you for the review. I have the book on my nightstand but haven't had the time to start it.

RavenM said...

I started this book but couldn't get past the depressing beginning at the time. I'll have to try again.

Matthew said...

I know the begining is way sad, but its a set up for the rest of the book. There is a whole lot of redemption that makes it worth it.