Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Quitter

Thats me. Well, it used to be anyways. When I was growing up, I didn't stick to anything. My parents let me walk away from whatever. I quit highschool, I quit football, I quit college, I quit my first job. I know there were reasons, but I learned its easier to just get out instead of plowing ahead. These days I'm not so inclined to give up easily. I have re-learned that its important to stick with the task and see it through to completion. Right now however, I am not feeling very committed. There is a lot going on in my life that is just frustrating the heck out of me. My mom and I decided that something really good needed to happen in our lives. There is good stuff that happens, but it seems there is a lot more bad stuff. I know that there are good things that can come out of every situation through Jesus, but I'm ready for something really good, something big and good to happen. I'm sick of feeling like I'm climbing a shale hill and everytime I try to get a handhold I get cut and the hold breaks. Pretty soon I'm going too be to weak from blood loss to keep climbing. I know God won't ever give me anything I can't handle, but I sure wish He'd throw me a rope soon.

1 comment:

RavenM said...

I know what you mean!