Monday, December 15, 2008

Split Ends

No, I'm not talking about hair. I'm talking about fingers. This is the second year in a row that my fingers have split really bad right at the corners of my nails. Its terribly frustrating, annoying and painful. Any tips on taking care of them?


RavenM said...

Ow!! Yikes. I'm not so good at taking care of that stuff myself. Cause, you see, it requires consistency. I would at this point get some good salve with goldenseal or comfrey in it. Put as much on your fingers as a bandaid will hold and bandage them up. This is what we do for cracked toes and heel in the summer. The salve will keep it moist so it can start to heal which the herbs will also help with. Keep them covered, refreshing the bandages twice a day, until they are well on their way to being healed. Then you need to lotion your hands as often as you can stand it. Like every time you wash them, before bed etc. Hope that helps, love ya.

Matthew said...

That sounds like a lot of work. It would be better than wincing every time I typed. Thanks for the advice

shedhorn said...

i get them also, have one on my thumb now, the cold weather dries them out use curel or some thing like that to pevent it from happening.

Matthew said...

Is that lotion? I'll give it a try.

shedhorn said...

ya its lotion, jkust the cheap non scent stuff