Monday, November 17, 2008


Sunday night was our third pre-season game. We won, but only by two. At one point we were up by 11, but the other team were fighters. I honestly saw some of the worst calls ever by the refs that night. For instance, one of our players went up for a shot, a defender was in front of him facing the hoop. They collided during the shot. Generally if a defender is moving and makes contact with the shooter, its a foul on the defender, however, for some reason, the ball was awarded to the other team. We ended up winning anyway, but not without some frustration. I was a little late due to having company over and instead of being there 45 minutes early I was about 10 minutes late so it went really fast, but it was fun. I will miss next week due to being on vacation, which will be sad, but I'll survive. Expect a nice long blog when I get back.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Shack

Okay so I just finished reading "The Shack". It is hard to find the words to communicate what I felt reading it. For starters, I have never cried over a book or movie and I have read lots and lots of books. I cried twice reading this book. If you will read my rant below, it is like "The Shack" but only in the sense of comparing a welders mask to somebody seeing for the first time in their 99 years of life. Its amazing. Read it. Its worth the time, effort and money. Please, just give it a chance.

My Job

I am thankful for my job. Very thankful in fact. There is a lot to be thankful for: great hours, decent pay, awesome benefits, engaging and interesting work etc. However, I am not content here. I am not satisfied. Talking to my mom the other day (I do that quite a bit) she reminded me that when I first started a year and a half ago, I said this was just a lillypad between banks. It was just temporary. A job to pay the bills. So now, when I'm at the point where I'm bored because I have basically mastered my current position and like millions of other places there is not enough business to warrant a promotion, I start thinking about the fact that this lilly pad is awfully small and I can see the edges. In the distance, I can see the far bank, but I am not sure what it looks like. If this is just a job to pay the bills, what is a job that is more than that? What is it that I'm looking for? I get bored easy, yet I can almost always find some way to entertain myself. I've never really been content at a job. There is always something that really bugs me. Something that makes me want to just run away. Hmmm, I don't know. I like stories, and thinking up stories, but putting them to paper is hard for me, as I'm sure it is for a lot of people. What else is there for a guy who just likes to have fun and make people feel good about themselves. I just really like to help people see who they are in Jesus. I know that I can do those things anywhere I am, so maybe I am just being undisciplined or something. I think that if God made me with my personality, He sure as heck had a plan for what I would do with my life. Again I say, hmmmm.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Quitter

Thats me. Well, it used to be anyways. When I was growing up, I didn't stick to anything. My parents let me walk away from whatever. I quit highschool, I quit football, I quit college, I quit my first job. I know there were reasons, but I learned its easier to just get out instead of plowing ahead. These days I'm not so inclined to give up easily. I have re-learned that its important to stick with the task and see it through to completion. Right now however, I am not feeling very committed. There is a lot going on in my life that is just frustrating the heck out of me. My mom and I decided that something really good needed to happen in our lives. There is good stuff that happens, but it seems there is a lot more bad stuff. I know that there are good things that can come out of every situation through Jesus, but I'm ready for something really good, something big and good to happen. I'm sick of feeling like I'm climbing a shale hill and everytime I try to get a handhold I get cut and the hold breaks. Pretty soon I'm going too be to weak from blood loss to keep climbing. I know God won't ever give me anything I can't handle, but I sure wish He'd throw me a rope soon.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Currently in Life

Right now I'm in the back of my warehouse blogging away during inventory pre-count days. I don't have a lot to do right now thanks to the fact that my boss put someone other than himself in charge of inventory and I'm not going around putting "1" on all our compressors etc.

Some other things though. I know that winter is coming because my fingers are beginning to split right at the corner of the nail. I need to start putting on the lotion before my thumbs follow suit because they take a long time to heal and are very painful.

Last night was our second pre-season b-ball game. We won this time. It was a lot of fun, but not just because we won. Last week I had gotten up before dawn on Saturday to hunt and hike all day, then Sunday I got up before dawn as well. So, that being said, I had very little energy that Sunday night. Well, this time I did VERY little in the physical side of things the whole weekend and so I had energy to spare. I was so hyped up from the game though that when I got home and showered, I couldn't sleep. I ended up reading until 11:30 even though I had to get up at 4:20 this morning to go work at the gym. Before I worked out at the gym. So yeah a little sleepy this morning, but I'm doing okay now.

I was reading a book called "The High King" by Lloyd Alexander that was published in 1968 I think. Its the fifth book in series about a boy named Taran and his dreams of adventure, and how he grows up and learns a lot about life in the process. Its good stuff but I put it on pause so I can read "The Shack". Its very interesting so far and I haven't even gotten to the good parts that everyone has told me about.

Emily and I rented "Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Stories" for our wii yesterday. It is loads of fun. There is a little bit of challenge at times because there is a lot to notice, but it is made for kids so you can't get a game over. You can die and explode into a million pieces as many times as you want and the only penalty is losing money you've collected. We beat both Lego Star Wars games on PS2 so this is next, then batman sometime down the line.

Saturday night Shi and Melissa brought over a game called "Quelf". Zac I know what you are thinking because I couldn't understand Shi on the phone so he said "its kinda like Qu___." So every time someone says Quelf I think of it. It was way fun and way crazy. We had a blast making fools of ourselves.

Sarah when we played I instantly thought of you and Red, as long as he can just have fun if you know what I mean. There is a lot of "Well that's good enough" times. Its definitely a game that is more about creativity than set rules. Except for the RULZ cards that force you to do things like "bah like a goat whenever someone draws a card" or "whenever someone rolls a four you have to hold a pretend video camera and talk like you were filming their turn as a documentary". Oh yeah, fun stuff.

I just noticed I spelled "currently" wrong in the title. Too bad you won't see it. I know I spelled "practice" wrong in my other blog title, but I decided that its an adaptation of the words "practice" and "active", so there.

Anywho, I obviously need to wright more often so that my blogs aren't three hours long. Or something like that.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bad News

Its interesting the way we react to bad news. I just got some news that is not encouraging, but not devastating either. At first I was sad, then I went into practical mode to take care of my wife, and now I'm sad again. Hmm, I don't get emotion and I don't much care for them.